


I’m Harsh, obviously. An ambitious graphic designer specializing in day to day perspective designs which includes me, my mind and my imagination only..

Your company's brand identity should be as groundbreaking as your product.

Even the most disrupting product needs a great brand to get business results.

Even the most disrupting product needs a great brand to get business results.

Your company's brand identity should be as groundbreaking as your product.

How I can help you

Graphic designing

Strategy is the foundation of any branding project. It's impossible to intentionally reach any kind of business goal without doing strategy first. Brand strategy is understanding goals, the target and customer profiles, the market, where the brand currently is and where it wants to be in the future.


Brand identity is not just about the logo. Brand identity is the set of elements through which the brand influences people's perception of itself. The visual style has to reflect the soul of the brand, to better connect with its target audience.

UX/UI design

A website is not just a crucial marketing tool. Today, people live on the internet. Your website con't just be pretty and salesy, but it's supposed to be a unique experience for the user. That's why my web design process has a strong focus on Strategy and User Experience.

Motion graphics

Fast, flexible and lean web development with the most powerful development platform, Webflow. My approach is to create 100% custom experiences for you users, without any technical limits. I never use any kind of template for website building.

How designing makes a brand unique

First Impressions: Design is often the first thing consumers notice about a brand.

Trust and Credibility: A well-designed brand instills trust and credibility.

Brand Recognition: Consistent design elements, such as logos, color schemes, and typography, help in building brand recognition.

Consistency: Design guidelines ensure that all brand materials, from advertisements to packaging, maintain a consistent look and feel.

Differentiation: In a crowded marketplace, unique and thoughtful design sets a brand apart from competitors

User Experience: Design extends to the user experience, especially in digital products and services.

Communication: Design is a powerful tool for communicating a brand's values, personality, and mission

Adaptability: Good design is adaptable and can evolve with changing trends and market dynamics.

Work - case studies


What they say - What they say - What they say - What they say - What they say - What they say -

Tommaso Borghi

CEO & Founder

"Thanks to this project we discovered and realised our brand was so much more than what we thought. We're extremely happy about the results".

Eric Billings

Brand Manager

"Not only the project inspired us about our brand, but the actual results we were able to accomplish were amazing."

Marco Fontanesi


"It seems like a trivial thing for us now, but thanks to the project we have realised that all design choices must have a strategic basis."